Enoch is not a shopper and hates spending money (even if it's not from his pocket), but in this case, we told him that he would probably also need the suit for college. (We think that's true, but much has changed since Julie and I were in college). At any rate, the poor guy has never been in and out of a changing room so much in all his life.
He has also begun "running" and working out with the track team after school. He does not plan to compete in track, but wants to do this for the exercise and fellowship. So... another trip to Kohl's for "work out" clothes and running shoes. It's all good.
Back in the old days, when the Boy Scouts of America was less controversial, my brothers were in the cub scouts program. My mom was a "den mother," and though I was too young to join, I was included in all the activities because my parents were involved. I tagged along on all the "merit badge" experiences, etc. By the time I was in 4th grade, we become very active in a church that had a Brigader Boys program, and our focus changed. (We became even busier--it's how churches like ours were back then.)
I mention this only to say that we have taken a sort of "merit badge" approach to Enoch's time in America. There are no badges, of course, but the concept is the same. Back when Gerald R. Ford used to do the BSOA commercials, their slogan was "Scouting rounds a guy out." That is to say, it's good to gain a variety of wholesome experiences when you're young.
Whenever we learn of something Enoch has never done or never seen, we put it on our bucket list of future things to do (if possible). Riding a bike, swimming (in deep water), kayaking, camping, golf, drama, track (even if he only practices), interviews with newspapers, etc. All good experiences. Bob Fu has invited him to an event in Dallas this June. Other places to go (if possible) include Greenfield Village, Mackinac Island, and maybe even Washington D.C. Last summer, on our way home from Missouri, we stopped by the St. Louis "Gateway Arch," for this very reason. Most international students have traveled a lot. This was not true of Enoch--not even in his own country. I saw far more of China in two weeks than he did in his 17 years.
I have talked with Enoch about communication being enhanced by overlapping "fields of experience" much like a Venn diagram. The more things you have in common with the other person/group, the more "common ground" you share, the better the odds of clear understanding will be.
So here is a list of experiences that await Enoch in the months ahead:
1. Shots, shots, and more shots. When Enoch came to us, we had no records of immunization (and unclear explanation) so INS required starting from scratch (or poke as it were). Enoch just had another shot yesterday, and for college dorm life he may be required a series of four more in the months ahead. On the way to yesterday's shot, he asked, "Will we stop by Culver's for Ice Cream on the way home?" (a treat we have done after other shots). I said, "I don't think so because it will be too close to supper." Without missing a beat, he said, "I have a separate stomach for ice cream." We did stop.
2. Rehearsals have begun for "Beauty and the Beast." He is Maurice, Belle's father who gets locked in the castle then rescued by his daughter Belle. That performance is in late April.
3. In March, there is a Coffee House Talent Show. Enoch will be playing a piano piece in that. (I'll post video when that is done.)
4. Calvary does not require "Spanish" for international students because, after all, they are typically trying to learn English as a second language. BUT... Enoch--on his own volition--has chosen to take Spanish I (with our school teacher) and Japanese via an on-line program called Virtual University. He is getting "A"s in both. (By the way, Enoch gets "A's" in all of his studies and works very hard to do so.)
5. This Friday, February 21, Enoch will be spending the day at Cornerstone University. He will be in a group interview (with all candidates) and an individual interview conducted by a scholarship committee for something called the Kingdom Scholarship. This is a very significant amount of funding for all four years of college. These interviews will be based on the kinds of questions that prompted the essays I have shared with you. His friend Ben, from Ethiopia (Homecoming King in the picture) and his friend Alexandria (who is Egyptian in back row right of picture) will also be in this interview process. I'm not sure if "elimination" or multiple recipients is the outcome.
6. The following Thursday, February 27, Enoch and I will be in Chicago for a different interview with whatever branch of the State Department that grants political asylum. This is a legal process and is all the more complicated due to the interesting dynamic between USA and China at this time. Pray for wisdom as Enoch explains his situation, and for open minds in the officials.
7. In March, Enoch will be giving a speech in Government class on why voting rights in America SHOULD NOT BE GRANTED TO IMMIGRANT who are not citizens. If selected, he will give the speech again to about 100 attorneys and judges in our county bar association for a scholarship.
8. Near the end of May, after this and many other experiences, Enoch will join his class (along with my wife and I) for Senior Trip, a Calvary tradition that in recent years has been to Orlando, Florida, to take in all the magic of the various Disney theme parks. (Enoch's part of this trip was made possible by two of you "Friends of Enoch" who happened to be "missionaries" in Enoch's hometown in China when he was born. Enoch also earned some of the cost through various jobs and fundraisers.)
9. On the last Friday of May, Enoch will graduate. He has worked very hard.

10. And some real life will be a part of Enoch's experience as his "sister" Kim's due date has been moved a week nearer, March 2, 2020. That will be quite an ordeal as open heart surgery on baby Liam is expected within the first few days of his life. (Kim is on left. Emily is in the middle, and Natalie is on right. Emery and Nora are "nieces."